I am currently a Tech Lead in the wonderful Perception team at Waymo. I focus on empowering robots to interpret complex road scenarios, particularly human behaviors.
My expertise lies in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, with a keen interest in Vision-Language Models, Multi-Modal Learning, and Video Understanding.
I graduated from a Master's program at Stanford University, where I was fortunate to be funded through research and course appointments engaging in human action understanding and video representation research. During my undergrad at IIT Kanpur, my curiosity led me to explore human-robot interaction and shortest path algorithms at the University of British Columbia and I.N.R.I.A., before delving into computer vision and machine learning.
Apart from research, I had a strong interest in algorithmic
challenges, which guided me to the world of competitive
programming. Apart from that, I held a hovering interest in
quantitative trading and still enjoy talking about markets
and derivatives in day to day life.
Beyond my professional pursuits, I am a passionate sports enthusiast along with a love for skiing and diving. In quieter moments, I find solace in sketching and reading books.
Stanford, California
first_name + last_name (at) google (dot) com